i was playing a little catch up with the documented life weekly challenges. week 13's challenge was to invite someone else to draw in your moleskin, and i had asked our youngest son to do some drawing. he was really cute and had asked, "well, what do you want me to draw?" i told him- "whatever you want."
he had recently read the book, Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut and used inspiration from the book. here is his drawing before i added any color:
after he was done drawing, i added some color by using really watered down acrylic paint. i thought we did a nice job of partnering together on this project. so very fortunate to have a son who enjoys art and drawing almost as much as i do.
once i was done with that challenge, i moved on to the current week 14 challenge to write our name and embellish it. i really enjoyed seeing what Art to the 5th had all done with their names, and wanted to do my name and play along.
i worked on the background first layering the colors and using some stencils to assist the color patterns. once i was happy with the background, i was considering how to do my name. i thought about using all paper and cutting out letters and then, quickly moved to sewing. i did use some ephemera stickers and a small piece of polka-dot fabric for the K and the dots to add a little pop to the page.
i used yellow thread to carefully sew my name onto the page. i have to remove the page from my book to allow for ease of movement through my sewing machine.
You know I love color and these pieces are so beautiful! I am especially drawn to the pops of black and white. Bravo!!! :)