Kristin Peterson: mixed media, collage, painter, artist

Monday, January 6, 2014

2014 off to a good start

january has started with a flurry of activities....and i have been thinking about what 2014 is going to bring.

and, i took a moment this morning, and i have read some of my favorite blogs this morning, 2014 i hope for me, will be about: 
  • finding my word of focus, like Roben-Marie
  • creating for me and only Kasia
  • finding time to create daily, like Rae
i did find time yesterday to create and this is my hope for 2014....


  1. You are off to a good start. xox

  2. this is the first year I am doing a word for the year and I intended to live it everyday :)


thanks for your comments- i love hearing from you!!