happiness can be so elusive....it seems to me that some people have to work harder to find happiness and i think people tend to be either optimistic or pestimistic and that depending where you fall, happiness may not necessarily come very easy at all. happiness can be found in family or close friends, music, art, or in general; using my vintage silverware makes me happy for instance. i tend to be optimistic, but some days are stacked against you. in general, thursdays make me happy; almost the end of the week, my favorite show is on (new season has not started yet however....)but, yesterday i was struggling with happiness in the midst of this happiness week. but, today is a new day- and i will be preparing for my art show tomorrow- which definitely brings me happiness; packaging my work, pricing, and getting it all together to be seen. i think that is probably the biggest thing- the thing that makes me really happy is just having my work seen- i love it when it finds a new home with someone who likes it as much as i do, but, just having it seen, and having people see me as an artist.
the other thing that makes me happy is the fact that i managed to figure out how to make a mosaic. i have so admired those that have the ability to do this. in this happiness week, dance of a painted lady has had amazing mosaics- amazing.
happy friday!
it is a happy day when we discover the mosaic maker!!!