last week in the midst of total chaos i managed to sneek away feeling initially very guilty about taking time for myself for some creative time. my mom and i had signed up for a watercolor class at blue cloud abbey.
i can't even begin to explain the creative bliss that was found last week. not only were we painting in a beautiful church, but, somehow the quietness and peacefulness was transformed into total creative freedom.
so not only was i very prolifically creative, but, i also managed to learn a few things along the way.
things learned:
1. i CAN paint in watercolor
2. i CAN paint in watercolor and NOT have an initial plan of attack
3. MY plan of attack CAN be NO plan at all- just get some paint down
4. i CAN paint in watercolor on canvas with the help of a wonderful product called watercolor ground
5. MY watercolor CAN be NOTHING like anyone else's and still be cool