Saturday, November 30, 2013

christmas gift bags and a winner

i will actually start with my winner for the fabric house.....and that was Gill! Congratulations!! i used randompicker to determine a random winner with this link.when you have a chance- send me a email message (found under "my complete profile") with your address information and i will drop your house into the mail for you! thank you all who participated! i had painted on a cupboard door from a salvage store to answer the question.

now....onto christmas bags.! Roben-Marie had shown how to make these cute mailart bags and i decided to give mine a christmas twist. i actually sewed my pages onto to my bag first and then i used my gelli plate to print onto the bags.

my gelli plate is a little "seasoned" but the arrow shows the reddish-pink that i used on the bags. so here are all my bags sitting all in a row- waiting for their tags.

i will be finishing up the tags today for the bags. i made the full size bags and then, i decide to make smaller ones to be used for gift cards and such. but, here is a finished bag.


  1. wow Kristin, these are very pretty. So personal. I love little things like that, that have a personal touch. Means so much more.

  2. These are most adorable. I loved the file folder you sent the ornaments in....Good stuff coming out of your studio. xox

  3. Love!! Truly enjoyed my visit to your blog!

  4. Super projects. So glad to find you from your nice comment on my site. Beautiful work here on your blog!

  5. I really like using gift bags that we buy from the money shop because we can recycling them again and again (and we do), but I really like this even more. Cheers to you to make all of them at once. I wouldn't have the tolerance for that!!


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