Wednesday, September 19, 2012

book binding project

our daughter had "lit" term cards that were supposed to be bound. my daughter did not tell me this fact so i just sent the 3 packages of note cards to school with her.

until, one of her classmates asked her, isn't your mom an artist? can't she do this for you?!

which then of course lead to my wheels turning to be creative, and get these note cards bound.

thank goodness, i have done other book bindings before, so, i knew how to proceed. a little glue, some paper, and any extras i wanted.

oh, and some washi tape to inform our daughter that she will "like it a lot."

and maybe throw in some napkins....(recognize the diamond napkin?- love that!)

hopefully, these newly bound note cards will live up to the expectations of not only my daughter, but, of her classmate. i do expect that nobody will have note cards that will look as cool as these.

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